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What is the knowledge landscape and how is it related to the occurrence of disasters and risks in this area?
To answer this question, we display it in the form of a Gap Radar as shown in the image below.
Gap Radar - Shows the gap between the relative amount of existing knowledge of each type of disaster hazard (based on the number of studies available), disaster events based on historical data (based on the number of disaster events on the BNPB website), and the value of disaster risk ( based on the BNPB InaRISK Risk Index/ IRBI). The process of comparison between these variables is carried out by standardizing each variable using the z value (the value of the standard deviation from the average), a value less than 0 means that the value of the variable is below the average value of each type of disaster, this means that the type of hazard is not a priority for the study/rare/low risk. while a value of more than 0 describes the opposite, this means the type of hazard that is the priority of the study / often occurs / high risk.